Presentations at the UACES Conference 2024 in Trento

The 54th Conference of UACES took place from 1 to 4 September 2024 in the beautiful Italian city of Trento. Apart from joining a range of excellent and thought-provoking panels, and enjoying surreally beautiful receptions, coffee and lunch breaks and the grand conference dinner, I was glad to contribute three…

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Media interviews on the 2024 European elections

The 2024 European elections were covered by a wide range of media across the globe. Both in the wake and aftermath of the elections, I was contacted by various media to comment on actors and factors shaping the elections, unprecedented institutional and electoral dynamics, new parties competing for votes, and…

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Faculty Teaching Award 2023/24

On 17 April 2024, the University of Augsburg’s Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences awarded its annual Faculty Teaching Awards for the academic year 2023/24. I was honoured to receive one of the three teaching awards for my lecture ‘Introduction to Comparative Politics’. The winners of this award are selected…

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OUT NOW: ‘The EU under Strain?’ (De Gruyter)

Our new volume ‘The EU under Strain? Current Crises Shaping European Union Politics‘ has just been published with De Gruyter. It is the inaugural volume of our new book series ‘Europe under Strain‘, which I co-edit with the wonderful Daniel Schade (Leiden University). Daniel is also the co-editor of the…

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Science Award 2023 of the German Bundestag for ‘Turning Talk into Power: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy’

I am deeply honoured to be awarded the Wissenschaftspreis des Deutschen Bundestages (Science Award of the German Bundestag) 2023 for my book ‘Turning Talk into Power: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy’ (alongside Oliver Haardt, for his volume ‘Bismarcks ewiger Bund. Eine neue Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreichs’). According to…

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