Faculty Teaching Award 2023/24

On 17 April 2024, the University of Augsburg’s Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences awarded its annual Faculty Teaching Awards for the academic year 2023/24. I was honoured to receive one of the three teaching awards for my lecture ‘Introduction to Comparative Politics’.

The winners of this award are selected by a jury consisting of faculty and student representatives, based on a syllabus, on student evaluations of the nominated courses, and on an explanatory statement by the nominees regarding their respective course design, implementation and teaching philosophy. I myself have learned much, and continue to take inspiration, from fellow teachers, their syllabi and teaching philosophy. To help and possibly inspire others in similar ways – and also to invite their feedback (please do get in touch!) – I share below the syllabus and my explanatory statement of the award-winning lecture (note: both documents are in German, as was the course itself – please get in touch if you’d be interested in a translated version!).