OUT NOW: ‘The EU under Strain?’ (De Gruyter)

Our new volume ‘The EU under Strain? Current Crises Shaping European Union Politics‘ has just been published with De Gruyter. It is the inaugural volume of our new book series ‘Europe under Strain‘, which I co-edit with the wonderful Daniel Schade (Leiden University). Daniel is also the co-editor of the…

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Science Award 2023 of the German Bundestag for ‘Turning Talk into Power: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy’

I am deeply honoured to be awarded the Wissenschaftspreis des Deutschen Bundestages (Science Award of the German Bundestag) 2023 for my book ‘Turning Talk into Power: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy’ (alongside Oliver Haardt, for his volume ‘Bismarcks ewiger Bund. Eine neue Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreichs’). According to…

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Conference talk: ‘Democratisation through Deliberation’

The European Parliament’s (EP) primary raison d’être is the representation of the EU citizens, providing its members with the necessary argumentative basis to claim: There is no democratic legitimacy in EU politics without us! – Whereas this claim is the same today as it was almost 70 years ago, the…

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