Just in time for the European election, Mathias Häußler‘s and my new volume on ‘Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit‘ (European integration between aspirations and reality) has been published by Metropol. In this volume, a group of renowned scholars engage with key debates and themes in current EU politics through…
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OUT NOW: ‘The EU under Strain?’ (De Gruyter)
Our new volume ‘The EU under Strain? Current Crises Shaping European Union Politics‘ has just been published with De Gruyter. It is the inaugural volume of our new book series ‘Europe under Strain‘, which I co-edit with the wonderful Daniel Schade (Leiden University). Daniel is also the co-editor of the…
Continue ReadingOut now: Volume ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’
Europe beyond laws and treaties: my co-editor Lennaert van Heumen (Radboud University Nijmegen) and I are very excited that our volume ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’ has been published with Routledge, as part of the UACES Contemporary European Studies series. Big thanks to our wonderful authors! Get it here: https://goo.gl/syHePH
Continue ReadingRunner-up to the 2018 Luke Foster Prize for Best JCER Article with ‘Far Beyond the Treaties’ Clauses’
The academic association for Contemporary European Studies UACES and the Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER) have announced the winners of this year’s Luke Foster Prize for the best article by an early-career researcher published in JCER. My article ‘Far Beyond the Treaties’ Clauses: The European Parliament’s Gain in Power,…
Continue ReadingNew article on intra-party group unity in the early European Parliament (Parliamentary Affairs)
This article examines the inner unity of the European Parliament’s (EP) party groups prior to its first direct elections in 1979, at a time when such unity was technically not necessary, given the EP’s dominantly consultative role, according to the Treaties; and when no electoral incentives and few disciplinary tools…
Continue ReadingContract signed with Routledge: ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’
Big step for our project on ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’: today, my co-editor Lennaert van Heumen and I signed a contract with Routledge for an edited volume. Our authors are working on their contributions concerning ideas, actors and procedures which had an impact on European integration through informal processes.…
Continue ReadingSpecial Issue out: New Research on EU Supranational Activism
This special issue, which I guest-edited with Prof. David Howarth, introduces the concept of ‘activism’ to the study of EU supranational institutions and their role in EU policy making and European integration. While long present in studies of the European Court of Justice, ‘activism’ has rarely been examined systematically in…
Continue ReadingNew blog post: Times of Crisis, Times of Prospects – Can the EU Learn from the 1970s?
This post draws comparisons between the socioeconomic situation the EU faced in the 1970s with that of today. Both periods followed extreme economic crises and were defined by rapid technological transformation. Looking to the past as a guide, the article argues that there is a potential for today’s socioeconomic crisis…
Continue ReadingGood news: our proposal for the next special issue of JCER has been accepted
The activism of EU supranational institutions: this will be the topic of a special issue in the Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER). David Howarth and I just won the bid for JCER’s 2017 special issue, and we will get to work swiftly, first publishing a call for abstracts in…
Continue ReadingNew blog post: Let’s Talk Business – The Economic Impact of Brexit
The debate on the UK’s membership of the EU has been ongoing for months, with the renegotiation and referendum still to come. This bloh post surveys key sectors of British business to assess the impact of EU exit on their industries and their arguments around EU membership. The article suggests…
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