On Wednesday, 24 March, I will present a part of my research project “Migration and health policies in Europe” at the “Health in Europe” discussion forum hosted by the Centre for Law and Society, Lancaster Law School (UK). In my talk, I will shed light on the (construed) roles national…
Continue ReadingAuthor: Mechthild Roos
First article of the EU Migration and Health Policies project is out
Following the 2019 RESPOND Conference in Cambridge, the organisers of the Panel “Governing through uncertainty?” Veronica Federico and Renato Ibridoin put together a special issue at DPCE Online (collaboration with Ginevra Cerrina Feroni), which is now published. I was glad to contribute an article on the impact of national values…
Continue ReadingNew article: Becoming Europe’s Parliament (JCMS)
The European Parliament (EP) – today one of the most powerful actors at EU level – was intended to be a mere consultative assembly at the founding of the European Communities. In my research project on the institutional evolution of the EP prior to its first direct elections in 1979,…
Continue ReadingThe informal construction of Europe
Informal dimensions of European integration have received limited academic attention to date, despite their historical and contemporary importance. Particularly studies in European integration history, while frequently mentioning informal processes, have as yet rarely conceptualised the study of informality in European integration, and thus fail usually to systematically analyse conditions, impact…
Continue Reading“National values” in asylum and health policies: Presentation at the RESPOND Conference in Cambridge (17-19 Oct 2019)
From 17 to 19 October 2019, I had the opportunity to be among a wide range of scholars from a variety of disciplines – political science, sociology, law, anthropology, history etc. – who gathered at Newnham College, Cambridge University, to discuss recent developments and new insights in the field of…
Continue ReadingJoining the UACES Executive Committee as elected member
UACES is a vibrant global organisation for academics, students and practitioners interested in all aspects of Europe and the European Union. Amongst its extensive activities, UACES holds and supports a wide range of conferences and events, co-publishes various journals and book series, supports research networks as well as individual fieldwork,…
Continue ReadingNew indices, new indicators, more data: New V-Dem dataset is out
The new dataset of the global data collection project ‘Varieties of Democracy’ (V-Dem) is out and can be downloaded free of charge here (SPSS, STATA, CSV, R): https://www.v-dem.net/en/data/data-version-9/. The V-Dem data is used by scholars, journalists and policy makers around the world in order to understand current and past developments…
Continue ReadingResearch scholarship at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
From February till April 2019, I have been granted a research scholarship at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main. As a guest researcher, I can use the Institute’s extensive library and its databases, as well as its beautiful working facilities – and I greatly…
Continue ReadingOut now: Volume ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’
Europe beyond laws and treaties: my co-editor Lennaert van Heumen (Radboud University Nijmegen) and I are very excited that our volume ‘The Informal Construction of Europe’ has been published with Routledge, as part of the UACES Contemporary European Studies series. Big thanks to our wonderful authors! Get it here: https://goo.gl/syHePH
Continue ReadingWorkshop on personal perceptions of the end of war – ‘War or Peace’ Festival
This weekend (17-21 October), 300 young people from all over the world met at the ‘War or Peace’ Festival in Berlin, organised by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and the Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin. 100 years after the end of World War One, the participants investigated in…
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