Over the past years, I have designed, taught and examined a broad range of seminars and lectures at B.A. and M.A. level, mainly at Augsburg University (Social Sciences), and at the University of Luxembourg (European Governance, European Contemporary History, and Cultures Européennes – Histoire). In addition, I have participated in teaching exchanges to the University of Gothenburg, to the Technical University of Chemnitz, and to the University of Kassel. At these different institutions, I have taught the following subjects:
- The EU political system
- Theories of European integration
- European integration historiography
- The EU’s social dimension
- EU enlargement policy
- Comparative social policy and welfare systems across Europe
- Comparative health policy, health-care systems and public health in Europe
- Migration and asylum policy in the EU multi-level system
- Introduction to Political Science (and specifically to Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory)
- Methods of scientific writing and research design
- Social sciences in practice: a guide to professional life with a degree in social sciences
I have furthermore co-supervised more than a dozen B.A. and M.A. theses in the areas of comparative politics, European studies and European history.
Many of the teaching and learning strategies on which I build my courses I know through inspiring exchanges with wonderful colleagues and posts/publications by great teachers all over the world. Whenever I design a new course, I am grateful for model syllabi on similar topics helping me to get started, and to broaden my own horizon so as to be able to offer my students the best and most productive learning settings possible. Seeking to contribute to a mutually enriching exchange on teaching strategies and course construction, I am happy to share the syllabi to the courses I have taught in the past. Please get in touch (mail[at]mechthildroos.eu) if you would be interested in teaching material on any of the courses. I am also grateful for feedback, both from a teacher’s and a student’s perspective.
Student works
When teaching courses on complex issues – such as the political system of the European Union – I like to get students actively involved in creative ways, so as to create access points and tangible connections to the students’ personal lives and to the environment they know. Over the years, I have been amazed time and again by the impressive projects students submitted. Here you can find a sample collection – I am very grateful to my “Introduction to the EU Political System” course (BA Social Sciences at Augsburg University, summer term 2021) for allowing me to share their answers to the task of creatively engaging with a current challenge in EU politics.