Over the past years, I have taught a broad range of seminars and lectures at B.A. and M.A. level, mainly at Augsburg University (Social Sciences), and at the University of Luxembourg (European Governance, European Contemporary History, and Cultures Européennes – Histoire). In addition, I have participated in teaching exchanges to the University of Gothenburg, to the Technical University of Chemnitz, and to the University of Kassel. I have furthermore co-supervised more than a dozen B.A. and M.A. theses in the areas of comparative politics, European studies and European history.
Finding that the mere (re)production of knowledge within academia should not be an end in itself, I have furthermore been keen to communicate my findings as well as open questions of my research to different broader public fora: through press articles and interviews, blog posts, participation as speaker in public events, and the organization of events and workshops beyond university, especially for young people from different national and educational backgrounds across Europe.
You can find a list of the topics which I have taught in university courses here. Moreover, you can access a selection of syllabi for courses I designed and taught here.
And here’s a list of workshops I have co- and organised.