Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Eine historische Bestandsaufnahme (co-edited with Mathias Häußler). Metropol Verlag (2024).
The EU under Strain? Current Crises Shaping European Union Politics (co-edited with Daniel Schade). De Gruyter (2023).
The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy: Turning Talk into Power. Palgrave Macmillan (2021).
- The Informal Construction of Europe (co-edited with Lennaert van Heumen). Routledge (2019).
Journal articles
- The European Parliament and the COVID-19 crisis (co-authored with Francis Jacobs). Journal of Legislative Studies, (2024, early view).
The EU as Active and Passive Political Determinant of Forced Migrants’ Health: Insights from the Case of Germany. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 49:5 (2024), pp. 721–741.
Regimewandel oder -beständigkeit in Krisenzeiten? Die politische Regulierung des Gesundheitszugangs Geflüchteter in Deutschland während der Migrations[management]krise. Sozialer Fortschritt, 72 (2023), pp. 635-652.
Inequality by design: The politics behind forced migrants’ access to healthcare. Medical Law Review, 30:4 (2022), pp. 658-679.
The European Parliament’s youth policy, 1952-1979. An attempt to create a collective memory of an integrated Europe. Politique européenne, 71:1 (2021), pp. 28-52.
A Parliament for the People? – The European Parliament’s Activism in the Area of Social Policy from the early 1970s to the Single European Act. Journal of European Integration History, 27:1 (2021), pp. 37-56.
The impact of national values on health-care provisions for asylum seekers and refugees in Germany and Sweden. DPCE Online, 45:4 (2021), pp. 5208-5225.
Becoming Europe’s Parliament: Europeanization through MEPs’ Supranational Activism, 1952-79. Journal of Common Market Studies, 58:6 (2020), pp. 1413-1432.
Zwischen Vertragsauslegung und Streben nach Macht: Informalität in der EU-Politik. Politikum, 5:3 (2019), pp. 30-36.
Intra-party group unity in the European Parliament prior to its first direct elections in 1979. Parliamentary Affairs, 72:2 (2019), pp. 464-479.
Pushing the Boundaries. New research on the Activism of EU Supranational Institutions (Introduction to the special issue, co-authored with David Howarth). Journal of Contemporary European Research, 3:2 (2017), pp. 1007-1024.
Far Beyond the Treaties’ Clauses: The European Parliament’s Gain in Power, 1952-1979. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 3:2 (2017), pp. 1055-1075.
Guest-edited special issue
- Pushing the Boundaries. New research on the Activism of EU Supranational Institutions. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 3:2 (2017), guest-edited with David Howarth.
Contributions to edited volumes
Different Systems, Similar Responses: Policy Reforms on Asylum-Seekers’ and Refugees’ Access to Healthcare in Germany and Sweden in the Wake of the 2015-17 ‘Migration Crisis’. In Mari-Liis Jakobson et al. (eds.), Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times, Springer (2023), pp. 129-146.
The Strategic Involvement of the European Parliament in Establishing the European Social Fund. In Paul Stephenson et al. (eds.): Financial Accountability in the European Union: Institutions, Policy and Practice, London/New York: Routledge (2021), pp. 41-56.
Die informelle Entwicklung einer supranationalen Co-Legislative: Das Europäische Parlament, 1952-1979. In Christian Henrich-Franke et al. (eds.): Grenzüberschreitende institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2019), pp. 417-446.
- La politique du Parlement européen sur l’égalité des sexes avant 1979: une réussite inattendue. In Anne-Laure Briatte et al. (eds.): L’Europe, une chance pour les femmes? Le genre de la construction européenne, Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne (2019), pp. 105-114.
Other publications
- Review on Kari Palonen: At the Origins of Parliamentary Europe. Supranational parliamentary government in debates of the Ad Hoc Assembly for the European Political Community in 1952-1953. Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 2024,
The Post-Pandemic Parliament. Ideas on Europe & eu!radio, 4 June 2024.
Study: The European Parliament and the Origins of Social Policy. European Parliamentary Research Service, European Parliament, March 2024.
Briefing: The European Parliament and the origins of social policy. European Parliamentary Research Service, European Parliament, February 2024.
Three years European Health Union – Time to drop the grand title? Ideas on Europe & eu!radio, 3 November 2023.
Has the idea of a European Health Union run out of steam? Healthy Europe, 14 September 2023.
A European Health Rights Union. Ideas on Europe & eu!radio, 21 November 2022.
Why do we need a true European Health Union? Healthy Europe, 13 September 2022.
The unreliability of compassion. Ideas on Europe & eu!radio, 22 April 2022.
Review on M. Broad & S. Kansikas (eds.): European Integration Beyond Brussels. Unity in East and West Europe since 1945, Palgrave Macmillan 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-45444-9, in H-Soz-Kult, 14 April 2022.
Uncovering the parliamentary roots of European social policy. EUROPP, 28 March 2022.
Review on K. K. Patel: Projekt Europa. Eine kritische Geschichte, C.H.Beck, ISBN 978-3-406-72768-9, in Journal of European Integration History, 25:2 (2019), 311-315.
The informal construction of Europe. Robert Schuman Initiative (Blog of the Robert Schuman Institute of European Affairs, University of Luxembourg), 20 March 2019.
Times of Crisis, Times of Prospects: Can the EU Learn from the 1970s? UCL Brexit Blog, 1 March 2017.
Let’s Talk Business: The Economic Impact of Brexit. European Futures, 30 November 2015.
How a Brexit Would Influence the British Economy. A Four-Part Brexit Blog. Canterbury Politics and International Relations Blog, July to November 2015.
Triple-A rating? Juncker’s vision for the EU’s social policy scorecard. Canterbury Politics and International Relations Blog, 20 May 2015.
- A Snap-Shot of WWI in 140 Signs – One Year On. World War I Centenary Blog: Continuations and Beginnings, Oxford University, 10 March 2015.