Conference presentations

  • Der Weg in den deutschen und schwedischen Wohlfahrtsstaat: Politische Konstruktionen von Zugehörigkeit und sozialen Rechten and Die Grundrente im Spiegel der Machtressourcentheorie. FIS-Forum with Social Policy Biennale, Berlin, 6-8 November 2024.
  • In sickness and in health: The European Parliament’s attempts at staying involved in EU health governance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Workshop ‘Health Law and Governance in an Uncertain Europe‘, London/online, 5 November 2024.
  • Regimewandel oder -beständigkeit in Krisenzeiten? Die politische Regulierung des Gesundheitszugangs Geflüchteter in Deutschland während der Migrations[management]krise and The Non-Citizen Within the German and Swedish Welfare States. Political Constructions of Membership and Social Rights in Times of Crisis. 4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, Bonn/online, 16-18 September 2024.
  • The European Parliament and the COVID-19 Crisis and The Non-Citizen Within the German and Swedish Welfare States. Political Constructions of Membership and Social Rights in Times of Crisis. 54th UACES Annual Conference, Trento/online, 1-4 September 2024.
  • Doppelte Mandate, geteilte Loyalitäten? Deutsche Abgeordnete in den Fraktionen des Bundestages und des Europäischen Parlaments vor 1979. Conference ‘Historische Perspektiven auf 75 Jahre Fraktionen im Deutschen Bundestag‘, Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien e.V., Berlin, 6-7 June 2024.
  • The European Parliament and the Copenhagen Declaration: Institutional Positioning through Identity Formation. Conference ’50 Years Copenhagen Declaration 1973-2023. Conference on Historical Questions of European Identity’, Vigoni-Forum Hamburg/online, 31 May to 2 June 2024.
  • Constructing a Europe for and of the people: Idealism and tension in the early European Parliament’s conception(s) of integration. Conference ‘(De)Constructing Europe’, DHI Rome, 20-22 March 2024.
  • ‘Cover to Cover’ Book Talk: The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy: Turning Talk into Power. Seminar series of the Historical Archives of the European Union and the Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre, Fiesole, 23 February 2024.
  • The European Parliament and the Origins of Social Policy. Online history and politics roundtable ‘The European Parliament and the origins of social, environmental and consumer policies’, European Parliamentary Research Service, online, 13 February 2024.
  • The European Parliament and the Origins of Social Policy. Workshop ‘Setting Agendas: The European Parliament and the Origins of Social, Consumer, and Environmental Policy’, European Parliamentary Research Service, online, 22 January 2024.
  • A conceptual guide to interdisciplinary research in European studies. Non-Unidisciplinary Research Platform (NURP) Seminar, Centrum för Europaforskning, Göteborgs Universitet/online, 14 November 2023.
  • Becoming Europe’s Parliament. An interdisciplinary study of MEP activism in the 1950s-1970s. European Social Science History Conference 2023, Gothenburg/online, 12-15 April 2023.
  • Human right, legal standard or social benefit? – Regulating asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care. 4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, Chemnitz/online, 28-30 September 2022.
  • Inequality by Design? The Politics behind Asylum Seekers’ and Refugees’ Access to Health Care. UACES Conference, Lille/online, 5-8 September 2022.
  • Deserving to be healthy? The impact of temporary protection on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ health rights and health status. RE:Migration – Nordic Migration Research Conference, Copenhagen, 16-18 August 2022.
  • Human right, legal standard or social benefit? Regulating asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to healthcare. Tagung des AK Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung in der DVPW, Berlin, 28-29 April 2022.
  • Who asked you anyway?! – Unintended shapers of European social policy (non-traditional panel) & Different systems, similar responses: Recent policy reforms on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care in Germany and Sweden. UACES 2nd Virtual Conference, 6-8 September 2021.
  • The impact of ‘national values’ on health-care provisions for refugees and asylum seekers in Germany and Sweden & Different systems, similar responses: Recent policy reforms on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care in Germany and Sweden. ECPR General Conference, virtual event, 30 August-3 September 2021.
  • Governmental responsibility + crisis > ideology? Social Democratic party politics in reaction to the ‘migration crisis’ in Germany and Sweden. 6th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, virtual event, 1-2 July 2021.
  • Different systems, similar responses: Recent policy reforms on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care in Germany and Sweden. ‘Ageing Gracefully? The 1951 Refugee Convention at 70’, 5th Annual Conference, Refugee Law Initiative (RLI), virtual event, 9-11 June 2021.
  • Regulator, standard setter, scapegoat? The (construed) role of the EU in national policies on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care. Tagung des AK Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung in der DVPW, virtual event, 29-30 April 2021.
  • Regulator, standard setter, scapegoat? The (construed) role of the EU in member state policies on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care. Discussion forum ‘Health in Europe’, Lancaster University/virtual event, 24 March 2021.
  • Democratisation through Deliberation: The Beginnings of the European Parliament. Conference ‘Democracy in the Construction of Europe, 1945-2020’, School of International Studies, virtual event, 18-19 March 2021.
  • Different systems, similar responses: Recent policy reforms on asylum seekers’ and refugees’ access to health care in Germany and Sweden. International research conference ‘The anxieties of migration and integration in turbulent times’, virtual event, 14-15 January 2021.
  • The impact of national values on health-care provisions for asylum seekers and refugees in Germany and Sweden. RESPOND Conference ‘Unpacking the Challenges and Possibilities for Migration Governance’, Cambridge, 17-19 October 2019.
  • Creating a Collective Memory of ‘Europeanness’: The European Parliament’s Youth Policy, 1952-1979. UACES 49th Annual Conference, Lisbon, 1-4 September 2019.
  • Becoming Europe’s Parliament: Europeanisation through MEPs’ supranational activism, 1952-1979. Conference ‘Europeanization, What Else? Ideas and Practices of (Dis-)Integrating Europe since the 18th Century’, University of Graz, 13-15 June 2019.
  • Becoming Europe’s Parliament: How MEPs shaped their institution prior to its first direct elections in 1979. EUSA 16th Biennial Conference, Denver, 9-11 May 2019.
  • Die Parlamentarisierung der Europäischen Gemeinschaften vor 1979: Die Entwicklung des Europäischen Parlaments vor seinen ersten Direktwahlen. Workshop ‘Das “demokratische” Europa? Demokratie- und Parlamentarismusgeschichte seit 1970’, Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich, 15-16 November 2018.
  • The impact of MEPs’ socialisation on the institutional evolution of the European Parliament, 1952-1979, ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018.
  • The importance of shared ideas and common ideology in the evolution of the European Parliament, 1952-1979. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nicosia, 10-14 April 2018.
  • The European Parliament’s Changing Role in Community Social Policy during the 1950s Coal Crisis and the 1970s Economic and Financial Crisis. 4th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Basel, 29 June – 1 July 2017.
  • The European Parliament’s Emerging Power of Initiative, 1952-1979. EUSA Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Miami, 4-6 May 2017.
  • The European Parliament’s Strategic Involvement in the Establishment of the European Social Fund prior to 1979. 2nd EUFINACCO Workshop on Financial Accountability in the EU, Berlin, 17-19 May 2017.
  • Intra-party-group cohesion in the European Parliament prior to its first direct elections 1979. Workshop ‘Rethinking Intra-Party Cohesion in Time of Party Transformation’ at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nottingham, 25-30 April 2017.
  • The European Parliament’s Unexpected Influence on the European Communities’ Social Policy, 1952-1979. 2nd Congress of Economic and Social History, Bonn, 19-21 April 2017.
  • Die informelle Entwicklung einer supranationalen Co-Legislative: Das selbstbewusste Agieren des Europäischen Parlaments, 1952-1979. Grenzüberschreitende institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Strukturen und Prozesse, AG Internationale Geschichte des VHG, Essen, 16-17 March 2017.
  • Figthing for Europe, or Defending Home? Ideological vs. National Interests in the European Parliament, 1952-1979. EUCOPAS PhD Workshop, Paris, 19-20 January 2017.
  • Far Beyond the Treaties’ Clauses: The European Parliament’s Gain in Power, 1952-1979. UACES 46th Annual Conference, London, 5-7 September 2017.
  • National vs. Party-related Arguments in the European Parliament’s  Social Policy, 1952-1979. 12th HEIRS Conference: National societal actors in a multilevel environment – from 1945 to the present, Louvain-la-Neuve, 21 April 2016.
  • When the Right Honourable Gentlemen Joined the Sober Europhiles. British and German Members of the European Parliament in the 1970s. Conference ‘Awkward Relations? Britain and Germany in Europe since the Second World War’, Magdalene College, Cambridge, 23-24 March 2016.
  • A Small Actor in a Series of Global Crises. The Position(ing) of the European Parliament in Highs and Lows of the 1970s. International Graduate Summer School ‘Repositioning in a Globalizing World’, University of Leipzig, 8-11 June 2015.

Public talks

  • Public lecture ‘Das Europäische Parlament vor 1979’, Studium Generale lecture series ‘EU Vote! Analysen anlässlich der Europawahl 2024’ at Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, 8 May 2024, Tübingen.
  • Public talk ‘Europe after work: Europa vor der Wahl’, Europabüro/Europe Direct Augsburg & Stadtbibliothek Augsburg, 6 May 2024, Augsburg.
  • Workshop ‘Wie kommuniziere ich eine komplexe Krise?‘, Public Climate School (local programme), 25 November 2021, Augsburg.
  • Open forum ‘Gönn Dir Europa‘, organised by the Young European Federalists Augsburg in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections, 15 May 2019, Augsburg.
  • Panel discussion ‘Mehr, weniger oder differenzierter – Wohin entwickelt sich die europäische Integration?‘, University of Bonn & Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 7 July 2017, Bonn.